Caring For Your Child With Iron Deficiency
Iron is a mineral required for numerous critical functions in the human body, including oxygen transport, gene regulation, DNA synthesis, brain function, and musculoskeletal function. Iron is ingested in various forms from food it our diet, and absorbed from the small intestine. Iron is stored as heme in red blood cells (hemoglobin) and muscle cells (myoglobin); iron is stored as ferritin in the liver, spleen, skeletal muscle and bone marrow; and to a smaller extent, iron is stored as hemosiderin deposited in various tissues. Iron deficiency refers to a state in which there is insufficient total body iron to maintain normal physiologic functions. Though the body efficiently recycles iron from aging blood cells, iron deficiency may result from increased iron need, particularly during rapid periods of growth, in the face of deficits in the ingestion or absorption of iron, or from excessive iron utilization or iron/blood loss.
The impact of Iron deficiency is monumental. Iron deficiency, independent of anemia, is estimated to affect as many as 50% of young children and female adolescents worldwide. In the United States, approximately 15% of toddlers and 5% of preschool children are iron deficient. In America, the prevalence of iron deficiency is higher among children living at or below the poverty line, and compared to white children, the prevalence of iron deficiency is higher in young Hispanic/Latin American children, in Asian American children, and children from families recently immigrating to the United States. This is of huge consequence, as iron deficiency is associated with lower IQ scores, lower assessments of emotional health, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), restless leg syndrome (RLS), visual and auditory deficits, immune dysfunction, impaired muscle metabolism, chronic fatigue, breath-holding spells, and thyroid dysfunction. These impairments in neurodevelopmental, cognitive, immune, and musculoskeletal function may occur prior to the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world and results from a wide variety of causes. Inadequate dietary intake of iron-rich foods, the consumption of foods that impair iron absorption, and menstruation are the main contributing factors. Iron is stored prenatally, and iron stores are generally adequate in full-term infants until age 3-4 months. Preterm infants, infants with intrauterine growth retardation, infants of diabetic mothers, infants of moms with iron deficiency, infants who experience any hemorrhage/blood loss, and breastfed infants are at higher risk for anemia at 3 months, and should be started on iron supplementation if screening is positive for anemia. By 6 month age, infants are able to ingest iron-rich and iron-fortified foods, including fortified cereal, leafy greens like spinach, beans and lentils, liver, red meat, etc. Iron deficiency may develop in young children and adolescents who are pickey eaters; those who avoid animal products; those who consume excess (>24 oz per day) unfortified cow milk or goat milk; and those who ingest excess tannates in tea, phosphates in brain rich foods, and phytates in plant fiber, especially in seeds and grains. Those on a vegan diet are particularly at risk for iron deficiency. In addition, iron deficiency may result from excess blood loss from heavy menstruation (indicators include soaking of a pad in less than 2 hours, bleeding into clothes, or blood clots larger than 1 inch); and excess loss of blood though the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. colitis from milk allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, polyps). Iron deficiency can result from inadequate absorption of iron due to diseases of the GI tract, including celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, H. Pylori infection, giardiasis, and autoimmune gastritis. Overweight and obese adolescents are at risk for iron deficiency: compared to the 3% incidence of iron deficiency for adolescents with a normal BMI, overweight adolescents with a BMI of 85%-95% have an incidence of iron deficiency of 7%, and obese adolescents with a BMI over 95% have an incidence of iron deficiency of close to 10%. By complex mechanisms, athletic adolescents both utilize iron and lose iron at a higher rate, placing them at risk for iron deficiency. Finally, there are genetic mutations that result in the failure of iron absorption, even in the presence of iron deficiency, causing persistent iron deficiency resistant to oral iron supplementation.
Clinical manifestations of iron deficiency are generally mild: in fact, most infants and young children with iron deficiency are asymptomatic and found on routine labs to have a microcytic (small cell) anemia. Much less frequent are infants and children with severe anemia, who present with lethargy, pale skin, irritability, poor feeding, rapid heart rate and rapid respiratory rate, and exercise intolerance. Children with iron deficiency may exhibit pica, the intense craving for nonfood items, such as clay or dirt, rocks, starch, chalk, soap, paper, and cardboard. Craving for ice is particularly common and specific for children and adolescents with iron deficiency anemia.
Evaluation for iron insufficiency and iron deficiency anemia includes a complete blood count (CBC), measures of serum iron and iron binding capacity, and iron storage (ferritin). Iron deficiency is often defined as a serum ferritin < 15 mcg/L in all pediatric age groups, noting that ferritin will be decreased with iron depletion prior to the onset and diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. As the production of blood cells is restricted by iron insufficiency, the hemoglobin will start to decrease, and the volume of the red blood cells (MCV) will diminish, though true anemia may not yet have occurred. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in children is defined in children 6 months to <5 years as ferritin <15 mcg/L and hemoglobin <10.5 g/dL; in children 5 to <12 years ferritin <15 mcg/L and hemoglobin <11.5 g/dL; and in adolescents older than 12 years ferritin <15 mcg/L and hemoglobin <12 g/dl.
Differential diagnosis includes thalassemia trait, a genetic variation in hemoglobin that causes the blood cells to mature rapidly and leave the bone marrow sooner, at a relatively smaller size (low MCV). Lead toxicity can also present with microcytic anemia. Anemia of chronic disease will also cause blood cells to be smaller, and serum iron to be lower, though inflammatory markers and ferritin are generally elevated.
At Children’s Medical Association, we check a CBC to screen for iron deficiency at 3 months, 12 months, and yearly at well child check-ups. We screen for lead toxicity between 12-24 months. Additional screening is targeted for those with heavy menstruation, those on a vegan diet, those with chronic disease, and others at high risk.
Management and treatment of iron deficiency starts with dietary interventions to improve iron intake. Increase foods rich in iron: animal products such as red meats, liver and pork, legumes such as beans and lentils, dried fruits (prunes, raisin, apricots), leafy greens (spinach, kale, Swiss chard), and iron-fortified cereals. Foods rich in vitamin C (e.g. citrus fruits, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, and dark green vegetables) are recommended to enhance iron absorption. Reduce consumption of beverages such as tea and soda that can affect iron absorption. Limit cow milk consumption to 24oz per day. For infants and children with a presumptive diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia based on the history and initial laboratory testing, the next step is a therapeutic trial of iron, consisting of ferrous sulfate, 3 mg/kg of elemental iron, once daily in the morning or in divided doses between meals. NovaFerrum is a recommended iron supplement which is allergen-free, tastes great, and is available in 15mg/ml and 25mg/ml of iron per dose. Other products include Vitamin Friends Iron Gummies (15mg), Natural Factors Easy Iron Chewable (20mg) and Prothera Iron Chewables (30mg). Iron may be given alone or with water, juice, or acidic fruits (e.g., mango, strawberries, or applesauce). Milk and/or dairy products should be avoided for approximately one hour before and two hours after each dose, as the calcium interferes with iron absorption. For adolescents with iron deficiency, with or without anemia, we recommend ferrous sulfate, providing 65 to 130 mg elemental iron daily. Typically, patients treated for iron deficiency anemia return to the office 2-3 months later for a repeat CBC, monitoring the change in hemoglobin and MCV. Treatment courses should last for at least 3 months, and even after discontinuation of iron therapy, it is reasonable to continue iron-rich foods in the diet.
Transfusion therapy is rarely needed for iron deficiency anemia in children and adolescents, unless the hemoglobin concentration is below 7 g/dl. Indications for IV iron therapy include persistent anemia with oral iron intolerance, malabsorption, or nonadherence to oral iron therapy. Transfusions are generally reserved for patients who are in distress due to anemia, with rapid heart rate, rapid respiratory rate, low blood pressure, light-headedness, and lethargy. Children with underlying gastrointestinal disease, such as short bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease, may have particular difficulty tolerating oral iron and require early initiation of IV iron therapy.
Prevention of iron deficiency is supported by a well-balanced diet, including iron-rich foods detailed above. For those at increased risk for iron deficiency, more frequent screening and iron supplementation are both tools to prevent deficiency. There has been much attention to the idea of delayed cord clamping as a means of providing more placental blood and iron to the neonate, as a means to prevent iron deficiency later in infancy. Research has shown that delayed cord clamping of greater than 2 minutes leads to elevated ferritin levels and decreased risk of iron deficiency in the infant up to 8 months of age compared with early cord clamping (5-10 seconds).
We are here for you. If you have concerns about your child and iron deficiency, reach out on the portal or schedule an appointment to come see us in the office.
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